I don't like bullshit, but I like RedBull - Lil Wayne

Ah, the last day of the year. But as usual, I'll live in denial so happy 32 December 2010 in advance! Well i'm gonna give the countdown celebrations this time since most of my close friends are either out with friends or family. Ironically, i'm looking forward to January though. Britney's latest single, the arrival of the Toms shoes i've ordered, my measly salary, and finally, the job that I applied for materialised.......ok not exactly.
Well I'm supposed to be promoting phones with the Windows Phone 7 OS in some Starhub shop. Went through training (more like a Powerpoint presentation to be exact) and got the uniform (a shirt with a huge '7' on the back), but the job got delayed for some reason. Ok happy new year in advance in case I don't finish this today! I have to begin my feast at some random Chinese restaurant at the back of Bugis Junction:)
1.1.11:On with my work life: Well it's the first weekend without work. Going out soon to Orchard with my family. This time it's my sister's turn to splurge on clothing and accessories after my mother treated me to a $175 shopping spree at Topman yesterday. I predict long periods of boredom ahead
......and as predicted, I am. Now I'm stuck in New Look in 313@Somerset-_- Moving on, work has been a mixed bag. Promoted wireless routers by Cisco in IMM 3 weeks ago. Sales? Zilch. Things took a 180-degree turn the week after at the Megatex elextronics trade show at Expo. Sold 12 routers over 3 days. Not only that, lunch and dinner were provided for free, and the food was awesome. Advantages? I made a few friends and my knowledge on wireless routers went from empty to half-empty/ half-full. Oh, the new year means one thing. I'm officially an adult. Haha in my opinion, you turn into one once the ez-link reader beep in buses goes once instead of twice. Quite a weird feeling.
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8:37 PM

Hide your kids hide your wife
Antoine saved his sisters life
Double rainbow cross the sky
But dude claims he wasn’t high
GaGa, Ke$ha, Jersey Shore
Turning little girls to whores
Winter Olympics oh what fun
Shaun White’s record setting run
T Swizzle on a streak
Million albums in one week
B.o.B, Taio ,Bruno Mars
New artists wait no, Superstars
Ke$ha, Usher new EP’s
Sold as many as the CD
Inception blew a million minds
Katy Perry’s doing fine
Cali Gurls, Teenage Dream
She’s bigger than she’ll ever be
Saw the release of Toy Story 3
the end of our childhood journey
Harry Potter and Twilight
Millions lined up at midnight
Justin Bieber Baby Baby
Driving all those girlies crazy
But don’t forget Eminem
Marshall’s on a roll again
Speaking of roll let’s talk about Train
Hearing Hey Soul Sister again and again
Lots of oil in the sea
Blame it all on BP
We yelled FREE WEEZY now he’s out
Nicki and Drake know what I’m talking bout
More Gibson rants, and Lohan flaw
Still in trouble with the law
Miley hitting up the bong
Glee Remade more favorite songs
Bye bye to Lost and 24
Conan had us wanting more
That was our year 2010
Bout time to do it up again
3:03 PM

Yes Miley, we know that you can't be tamed.
Most illegally-downloaded tracks of 2010:
10. "We R Who We R" ― Ke$ha
9. "Roman's Revenge (ft. Eminem)" ― Nicki Minaj
8. "Can't Be Tamed" ― Miley Cyrus
7. "Only Girl (In The World)" ― Rihanna
6. "Whip My Hair" ― Willow Smith
5. "Not Myself Tonight" ― Christina Aguilera
4. "Love The Way You Lie (ft. Rihanna)" ― Eminem
3. "California Gurls (ft. Snoop Dogg)" ― Katy Perry
2. "Greatest" / "Then You Love Me" ― Lady Gaga
1. "Telephone" ― Britney Spears
Full post soon!
12:58 AM
work sucked.
2:53 PM
The 'fellow flads' section has been updated. Removed and added a few links. Here is a summary of a few:

ann ward's twitter
Random stuff from the winner of Cycle 15 of America's Next Top Model.
Visit this if you love the bizarre and the amazing.
Former: For hardcore geeks. Latter: For geeks with a sense of humour.
A fashion blogshop, but gained a reputation for selling TOMS shoes at dirt-cheap prices. I'm saving you all from getting ripped off by the 2 stores in Orchard which are selling them!
A collection of pictures on the 'lives' of two Stormtrooper figurines, taken over a period of one year.
Where I've been getting my daily dose of American TV shows and cartoons from.
4:02 PM

Ok, time for the way overdue update on prom. It was really boring and things got out of hand. Many shared the same sentiment so most of us left the ballroom to escape the planned activities and resumed their 'camwhoring' fulfillments. The food was alright, but we were served so little that it was more of a sampling session instead of a full-featured feast. And then my birthday loomed. Spent the first few hours queuing up to enter the Butter Factory club and finally getting in. Definitely the first and only time that I'll enter a club. Tried to get into the mood by singing along and dancing but nothing worked. The club decor was kinda cool but the smell of pee and sweat emanating from my fellow 'clubbers' ruined the atmosphere. Got bored eventually and so I left the club with Suraya at around 1.45am, did a lot of talking and then parted our ways once we found our taxis. Wasted more than half of my special day sleeping and went out for sushi with the family at night. The sad thing was, no one asked me out on that day:(
Since then, nothing much happened. I'm partially sure that my job application has been rejected since I've been told that I would be called this week. Went out with the usual gang a.k.a. Nat+Pris+Aliff+Hemant. Watched 2 movies with Gabriel and Giselle respectively, which were Let Me In and Tron: Legacy. The former was fucked up, but those hardcore Twilight fans should watch it to remind themselves of what vampires are supposed to be. No glittering in the sun and enduring the temptations of blood. Why it was based in the 1980s, I have no idea. In simple terms, the movie was about true friendship, but delivered in a effed-up way. As for the latter, Tron was simply amazing. Just watch it! Don't be deterred by the fact that Disney created it. Nothing fancy and happily-ever-after-y, just plain sci-fi and CGI awesomeness.
Hope that you liked your super-early birthday presents, Giselle!
12:05 AM
Just arrived home. Quite boring overall. I'll update on the day's events soon. Well, happy birthday to me!
2:52 AM
I'm in the bus, on the way to King Albert Park to meet Giselle, and then it's off to prom! The journey has been quite irritating though. In this case irritating equals to an incompetent bus 'captain' and the never-ending slew of red traffic lights. As of now I'm at Whampoa. Ooh a HDB common area with a STAINED GLASS motif! Ok back to my plans. Well, I'm completely unsure of what's to come. I have a feeling that prom will suck, as signalled by the gloomy clouds and rainfall. Haha and coincidentally I just passed a building called 'Masquerade'. Screw that theme, I'll be wearing an enlarged version of those shades that Kanye West popularised. On the issue of after-prom plans, I have no idea. I may put off my plan of attending the school's after-party at The Butter Factory. I don't want to begin my 18th year by sinning! Well if I were to attend, I'll have to skip the first 2 hours and wouldn't that be a waste of money?
Anything else other than prom later? Yes, my job interview to be a Windows Phone 7 promoter. On the geek side, we know that the OS is a sleek one yet hindered by the absence of features that are definitely important to many, such as the ability to transfer files over bluetooth and expandable storage. That's why I hate it, at least until January when an update is ready. Anyway, screw that. I'll be promoting it anyway. All in all, the interview was basically like an oral exam on phones.
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5:25 PM

Exams are over, yet I'm lazy to finish the post below. Well anyway December's here and that means I won't be able to call myself a boy anymore. Don't worry, my immaturity will stay. I just gave 'him' a lifetime's waiver of rental fees. Other than that, I've spent about $180 on clothes for prom (or grad night, whatever you call it). My mask isn't completed yet. All I can say is that the part covering my eyes once laid in the middle of a traffic junction:)
Oh, it's 2nd December. Happy birthday Britney!
7:01 PM