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2009: zebra, evil, gay, loony, exhilarating

Woah, it's the final day of 2009. It's been a year chock-full of experiences, deaths and major tragedies. The year allowed me to visit the northern and western vicinities of Singapore and mourn the death of various stars, especially Michael Jackson. About the recession, honestly I have to say that unless one of those amongst your families is involved in the financial sector, there wasn't much of a difference. 2009 is the year that forced me to ditch those familiar acquaintances of mine and start afresh in a JC where you're completely alone. Tried searching for a new best friend with loads of effort. I am closest to that person in school but I have no idea what that person sees me as to him. LOL I don't think there's a shorter way to describe that. Plus, instead of the train, the bus is my friend now.

Ah, 2009 signaled the big move. Due to foreseen circumstances (not the recession), I had to give up my status as a Pasir Ris-ian for 11 years to a Bedok Reservoir-ian. Trading the convenient access to exciting places such as Downtown East and its amusement counterparts, the fishing pond, 2 shopping centres, 2 parks, and the sea view for a reservoir seems like a crappy deal to me, but too bad I have to let it all go. Wait, is it legal to still have your old address on your IC? By right I'm still supposed to be living in PR:)

All in all, 2009 was a blast. 'The end is the start of a new beginning'. Screw that. Contrary to the notions of people that make it seem like it's 1.1.10 tomorrow, it'll be 32nd Dec to me! Yeah, giving up my immaturity isn't one of my new year's resolutions yet.^_^

12:00 AM


The holidays are taking its toll on me. Not that I'm busy, but I'm too free nowadays. Nothing much to do. Eat, sleep, computer. Such a vicious cycle. I know that I have some studying and homework to do yet I'm still here staring at the computer. I'm so bored and yet so lazy. In fact, Sunday's ST is still on my bed, left unread. To procrastinate is human, and for being human you'll get punished eventually. Anyway you all may be good readers but also bad listeners! Do my postings have early expiry dates such that they can't even enter your brain? Come on, I need feedback on my new layout! You tards! Oh, look at Fladoodoos.

12:01 AM


Certain numbers on the calculator can appear as letters right? For example, 3 looks like an E. I remember that in sec 2, I kept showing everyone 54035 (shoes) and 80087355 (boobless). Lost touch with this till this came up on a daily vlog* I've been following. Watch out! I'm gonna use it in school next year.....Only that I have to bring a scientific calculator instead....

*Slide the toggle up to the 10th minute

1:54 PM


Ah Christmas is over, and Boxing Day's just arrived. WTH should I do today? I've been craving for a new pair of headphones although I just got one last month. Too bad they're good but don't isolate noise much. Got any to recommend? Anyway the first 4 days of the past week was spent on work, busy pasting stickers and taking stock. Should've told you this earlier, but if you want to get Christmas or birthday gifts, you should get them at Takashimaya! Haha no, I'm not paid to advertise but this was what I learnt from work. Taka price tag stickers come off easily without leaving any residue behind. BHG and OG are the idiotic ones, so don't get gifts from them.

After the last day of work on Thursday, my cousins and I explored Orchard on foot and tour bus. It was a fun experience on the bus, shouting Merry Christmas to random passersby. Thanks to the jam caused by last minute Christmas shoppers, our tour was extended to 1 hour. At least it made the $6 more worth it. Ah and as I've mentioned on FB earlier, I got smacked by a branch while standing up on the bus. Must sue NEA!! Haha jk of course. Friday was nothing much except for the random outing to Simpang Bedok with Alfi, Jonathan, Hemant and Nadia:) Well, I'll end here today. Need to buy ST!

Made a new friend on Omegle today! She's Greek, but too bad she isn't hot:(

12:40 PM


It's been 4 days of work, and now it's Orchard time!!! Urrgggh Facebook's a biatch. Been staring at that 'waiting for' message for 6 minutes...As the grandma always says, 'mother@#$%%*'!

7:57 PM


You people who read my blog, seriously, I need to know who you are. That tagboard exists for a reason! I need comments on my new layout and whether the Futura font is supported by your computer. Anyway it's been a long time (yeah 4 days is long) since the last update. Gotta work for the whole of this week, as forced by my mother. Urrggh the Christmas period, and the post period after that too. Price tags and stickers will be my new set of friends for the moment. At least Tiara's coming along:)

The only major thing that happened last week was AdJam 09. Its a camp targeted at JC ODAC students, jointly organised by the ODACs of the 4 universities in Singapore. It's actually loads of fun especially the night cycling segment from 9pm to 4.30am. Cycled from NTU all the way to the Kranji countryside and vice versa. That totals up to about 38km. Other than that I've sinned quite a lot. Skipped Friday prayers and ate loads of non-Halal food. Damn pork tasted bluek. Oh and the goodie bags. I gave a suggestion that it has to be more male-friendly. Which guy would ever read Her World???

Uni people really do use the word 'shagged' a lot. Too bad the literal meaning is ingrained in my mind...

12:15 AM


I smoked with a prostitute because I'm sexy as hell.

Woke up at 9, used the computer straight away, and surprise! Britney's 3 music video has an alternate version.....which is MUCH BETTER than the original. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to that AdJam camp tomorrow although it's only for 1.5 days. Well I'll do the usual last-minute packing soon...

*your computer better support the Futura Bk font!

11:15 AM


Week 49 of 2009 was probably one of the best of the whole year. Met loads of new people and had the most amount of cash with me at any point of time. Ok, I'll summarise everything from day 1 onwards..................

read post on the same date

Finally what we had been preparing for had arrived, the YOG Friendship Camp. Setting up our booth representing Canada was a bit hectic, given that it was humid and we had no firm plan. Didn't expect that we would be based in front of the swimming pool though, which was good as we could view all the main performances. Got interviewed in the process just to explain what we were doing. The whole booth surprisingly turned out good. Played street hockey with a few people at the side of the booth, including Mr Masagos Zulkifli. Never heard of him? He's some senior MP or something. Tasted maple syrup for the first time and contrary to what I originally thought, it doesn't taste like the Hotcakes syrup at all! It tasted like concentrated chrysanthemum tea actually. I couldn't believe the organising committee added in a clubbing section in the world festival segment of the camp. It was like the actual thing, minus the drinks and that it's set in between 2 swimming pools. The DJ's name was KoFlow. Kinda heard of him before though and the mixing he did was great, except that I was a bit frightened when he used the 'Shots' song by LMFAO. Thank God he only played the chorus! Imagine the phrase 'suck our cocks' being delivered into the ears of those young minds. Not that I mind, but it could have damaged the camp's friendly and innocent approach. Other than that I was selfish throughout the whole time, 'touting' the participants and guests to choose the bookmarks with my design on it. At least my work would be somewhat recognised in a few countries! I felt somehow proud that a German camp official decided to tie my bookmark to her lanyard hung on her:)

It's all about games that day, so I was busy setting up some of the props needed along with another volunteer. Met a lot of new people and also a familiar face. Hi Christine! (ok I don't think you would be reading this). Some of them were surprised that I was 17, since the group of volunteers I was with were of university age. As the flow of participants entered the auditorium for the games, I started to learn more about people of other nationalities. Haha, more prominently, the Africans. First, they get disinterested easily. I realised this at the cup-stacking section. One bored one immediately saw the bells I were holding (the ones you find at customer service counters) and was 'captivated' by their shine. I laughed when he told us that he asked whether the bells were for him. Second, they raise their hands with the opposite side of their hand up. We do it with our palms facing the speaker, but tehy do it the other way round. (I hope you get this). Saw this at the workshop section. I pitied the participants who don't understand English at all, as the workshops wouldn't be of much benefit to them. A group of them went to the opposite station instead, which featured a mega version of Jenga. Luckily they had an interpreter for them so they got their share of fun in the end:) Speaking of Jenga, there's this French participant who was so engrossed in making the tallest Jenga tower ever, such that it almost reached the 3rd floor (we were on the 2nd). Those with free time just stared in awe at the tower and his determination (bluek, exaggeration). Knowing that teens are energetic, especially when you have sporty ones around you, those who were done with their stations did stupid stuff instead, like stacking all the cups into a huge pyramid, doing handstands and playing with a balloon around a guy holding a camera. It's seriously weird to see the Caucasians playing around like that since they grow so fast that they look like in their 20s, when they are actually aged 16 and below.......

(to be continued...I'm not even halfway!)

15 Dec update: Now I've come to my senses, being the sane person that I am, this post is simply toooooo damn long. I'm not those who are able to achieve such 'feats'. (ahem ahem, Grace & Emma). The all-time favourite point form should be enough. continued from 8.12:
-met Asafa Powell, Veronica Campbell-Brown and Dexter Lee
-made my beloved notebook even more special now with Asafa's autograph in it

-overslept for volunteer duty, damn wasted as I could've gone to Pulau Ubin
-ate out with Aliff and Hemant and randomly watched Planet 51 after that
-watched New Moon with Mikhail and his gf after that (PS: didn't post that pic on fb as it looks....weird)

-found on a website I frequent, got hooked on it ever since
-it's like a chatting network which hooks you up with random ppl from all over the world
-made friends and also exchanged emails and fb contacts with a few:)

As a whole, week 49 introduced me to the world...meeting new people, learning more about other cultures first-hand and feeling great volunteering around. I seriously treasure this week and all those who were involved in it!

12:17 AM


I'm long overdue for a new post. Yeah, I know. Ok, I'll update tomorrow for all you avid doods (if there are any). Got to do my Omeglenaut job now, bye!

8:27 PM


Weeeee! Finally I turned 17! OK why the hell am I happy? I'm closer to 20 now! (Wait, didn't I mention this earlier already? haha nvm) Anyway, contradicting most aspects of what a birthday should be, it involved loads of cutting, pasting and decision-making. It sucks when school stuff gets in your way. Too bad I volunteered for tomorrow's YOG camp so I can't really complain much. The possibility of meeting Asafa Powell tomorrow might be a nice last-minute present for me. Haha, I know I'm totally uninterested towards the world of sprinting but if you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of meeting someone famous, take advantage of it!

After that Aliff and I ate out at Pastamania, walked around TM and T1 and talked a lot as usual. Went to Frolick after that just for the sake of filling up my achievement card....and the girls....Thanks for the treat Aliff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and finally I changed that ugly phone casing of mine...

Just found out that I share the same birthday with CHRIS CROCKER. AAAAAHHHHH!

10:26 PM

i feel old, haggard, and closer to that dreaded 20. AAAHHHH!

12:27 AM


5.20am. Still not asleep. God I'm crazy! Well an update is due and here it is! Nothing much happened for the past few days, except for the LJ outing last Friday at Orchard. Ever heard of Shoduko at the Heeren? Well since the majority wanted to eat there I had to follow and not be a spoilsport, just because nothing's halal there. Got hungry looking around at everyone else. Japanese curry, beef sukiyaki and baked pasta....urrggghhh. Had no choice but to eat as well! Had the urge to order that Nabe Yaki thing just because of its name, but being the God-fearing servant that I am, dinner was 95% desserts! Spent $11.50 on them to be exact. Loosened up a little bit and became daring enough to finish the others' soba noodles and at the same time hoping that sake wasn't present in the sauce. I ended up full eventually... They should really come up with halal versions of these Japanese food streets. Don't mention Ramen Ten as a substitute. It sucks like hell!

(Pee break)

After that we took a few pictures along the way and our day was spiced up by an encounter with a tranny. An UGLY one in fact. Our group was technically following him around. That ho was strutting along Orchard Road (that light bulb above your head better light up), oblivious to the constant flow of passersby staring at him. Soon after, aware of our presence, he started to talk to us indirectly and walked in our direction. Everyone got scared and stayed calm in case anything happens. Of course, he may be a tranny, but he's still a man and could chase us around like a nutcase! We ended up at Tangs and since most of us didn't want to be home early, we mobbed the building. Damn, I felt stupid looking at the signs placed all over stating a 15% discount for all Singtel customers. Too bad I didn't have enough money to take advantage of that. The electronics department taught me that what's the use of buying a $300 pair of headphones when they sound similar to those sold for $37? However, the $355 q-Jays were an exception. Plugged my phone to them, and immediately I felt a bit of sin. I wanted to just grab it and run away.... Sound reproduction's awesome! Ok why the hell did I transition from blogging to advertising. Ah that's it, missed the last bus so I had to take the taxi home from Tampines. Thanks JJ, Angeline, Cheryl and especially Jonathan for sending me off!

Wow. This is the final day where I can be regarded as sweet.

5:20 AM


today in*.........
-YOG meetings are boring, especially when you have an average of 2 people attending
-currently in the process of being sick
-damn you phlegm!
-needs to spit every 5 minutes
-i have a laptop!!!....for 2 days
-happy birthday britney
.......................41 words

*i reccommend that you highlight this post

9:12 PM