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Nat and I went for our NS medical checkup yesterday. I dreaded going at first but overall I felt that the whole procedure was alright. Every part of the body will be checked and after that, there's an IQ test which took about 2 and a half hours for me to complete. The questions weren't that easy in my opinion. There is a section dedicated to maths and since we're not allowed to use calculators, all we had were a piece of paper and a pencil. How I wish all exams just require many clicks on a mouse. The result of all that, I got a PES A! It's either that you see it as an opportunity to have a wholesome time during NS, or you see it as an increased chance of facing death. I choose the former!

Hmm what else did I do this week? Oh yeah. Other than studying at school every day, I wasted a load of money on earphones. I bought the Lady Gaga Heartbeats at HMV, just because the 20% discount on them were exclusive to the store. Peer pressure led me to buy them in red instead of black $191 is still a lot of money, and the earphones are simply not worth that. I was really disappointed of the sound quality. 'Crystal clear' my ass! I've should've read the reviews earlier, because the reviewers shared the same sentiment with me. Plus, the accessories provided were on par with earphones sold at $40++ range. The only good points were the pounding bass, design and flat cables.

Then I did something that I feel a lot of people would think I'm crazy the next day. Bought another pair of earphones at Tangs after school. Well, I've been wanting a pair from the Jays brand for a long time and I thought the Heartbeats would suppress that desire at first. I decided to get the A-Jays Three at $98 after trying out the Jays range of earphones, and they sound MUCH better than the Heartbeats. The accessories were much more than what I needed. The cables are flat too, so now I feel like I'm wearing squid-ink linguine whenever I'm out. So now what's the fate of the Heartbeats? I'm considering to either keep them, sell them, exchange them or pass them to my neighbour who's desperate for them.

Moral of the 'story'? Don't be fooled by discounts!

3:01 PM


Karate Kid and Toy Story 3 in a week. Yaaaay!
Cramming Globalisation into my head. Yaaaay!

I'm hungry. Feed me, thou servant.

As for the post below, don't worry, it'll be complete soon.

Back to school on Monday. Yaaaay!

11:33 PM


My computer's nuts. First I spent more than 10 minutes trying to switch the idiot on after crashing about 15 times, and now, probably due to the 'spanking' I gave, it's now 12.53am, 7 May 2007. Since it's only 3 years old, I guess a repair is a more feasible option as compared to getting a replacement. Plus, I don't want to sacrifice what I've played in Sims 2!

Anyway, I was supposed to update on the last day of my trip in Vietnam, but for some reason the WiFi connection was super slow in the hotel when I touched the 'Publish Post' option. This is what I typed on that day:
'Finally it's the last day of my OCIP trip. I'm right here blogging on my phone, sitting on the hotel's sofa that looks like bread. Facebook is banned here but if you're using an iPhone or an iPod Touch you can still access it through the FB app. Damn Apple products! Well I wanted to update my status on FB throughout the trip but from day 3 onwards, my account was unavailable. Anyway here's what happened in chronological order:'

Day 1
It only took 2 flights in and out of Japan 2 years ago to prevent me from experiencing motion sickness. The food was alright, but the bun was awesome! It looked like any other, but I had to get 2 more! Landed on the beyond-my-expectation airport which was totally modern, yet technically monochrome. Got exposed to the real side of Vietnam the moment we traveled on the coach. Slums here and there with new buildings popping up amidst them. Stocked up on food at a mall called Citi Plaza (sounds familiar huh?) and we finally arrived at our first hotel at 7pm. I managed to cram 20 pages of market failure and an episode of Grey's Anatomy into the journey:) The food there was alright but since I was hesitant to eat it at first, I ate the 'chicken and rice' packet ration and it tasted horrible! The hotel rooms were alright but the corridors were a bit eerie since not all the lights were switched on. 'Channel-surfed' till I found Star World and all the other cable channels!

Day 2
Ate a lot for breakfast, about 14 thick slices of baguettes. The baguettes were delicious and in my opinion, they better be since the French spent 90-odd years colonising Vietnam! Went to the orphanage and the hard labour commenced. We had to dig a drain in the ground to clear the area ,that is reserved for cementing, of water and then cover the area with sand. Then came the irritating part. Electricity was out, so the cement mixer can't be used and we had to make cement using pure human power! To produce one little blob of cement (which would cover about 2m by 3m) required about 15 minutes of mixing with the help of 5 others! As a result, there wasn't much progress for the first half of the day.

After lunch at the hotel (which also signaled to me not to eat anymore rations due to the equally-horrible pasta), we went back to the orphanage and finally, electricity was restored and all we needed to do was to pour sand, concrete and stones into the mixer. Thank God for machines! By the end of the day, our cement platform was one-thirds complete and those who did painting completed half of their tasks. Oh, I forgot to mention that we were divided into 3 groups, which are the 'cementers', painters and the 'players' (for interaction with the orphans).

Day 3
I had enough of cementing so I joined the painting group instead. We had to paint the toilets and the staircase corridor of the girl's side of the orphanage. The walls looks damn dirty and some parts looked as if a murder happened ages ago since there were brownish-red stuff on them. There was like an extended family of lizards as well, and I fell on the staircase while chasing one of them away and had a scratch on my knee. A little more inches forward and my face would have landed into the paint tray.....We coated the walls with a cream colour and I even suggested painting the wooden shoe rack mounted onto one of the walls. After many hours and songs blasted from my phone later, our job was complete!

(I'll update more later!)

1:13 PM


All you need to be a burglar.

Damn it, I'm so tired. OCIP is in 2 days, and I've barely packed and I have 2 consultations tomorrow. Now it appears that somehow we're still using Edusave instead of the Post-Secondary account, so I have to cough up $247 from the bank. Waaaahhhh.

9:40 PM


Yesterday was one of those days I looked forward to, when I can just wander around and have fun, without a single thought about my studies. Strolled around the Singapore Flyer, the Helix bridge and Marina Bay Sands with Aliff for the first half of the day and then ate at Nando's at Bugis Junction with Nat and Pris for the next half. Plus, for the first time in 11 years I withdrew money from my bank account. For once I can feel what's it like to truly waste your own money.

Fun aside, I planned out my studying schedule for the next week and I must say, there's LOADS to cover in a month. Damn those humanities subjects for being so content-heavy. I feel a bit of regret giving up 5 days' worth of study time for OCIP, but I guess it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I cannot give up. All I hope is that I won't return for STAR next month...

8:37 PM


Chocolate milk+ waffle+ Filet-o-Fish meal+ a cream puff+ raisin bread= Today's 'nutrition intake'

10:38 PM